Cash Card

Cash Card by Peter Eggink & Armanujjaman Abir is the FINAL gimmick for the creditcard to Banknote effect: Visually change your creditcard in any banknote…and vice versa!


Cash Card by Peter Eggink & Armanujjaman Abir is the FINAL gimmick for the creditcard to Banknote effect:
Visually change your creditcard in any banknote...and vice versa!

How cool: Take out a credit card , show it all around, then CHANGE it visually into any bill. Again show the bill on two sides! If you want, you can again visually change it bank to a credit card.

Cash Card comes with pre-made ready to go gimmick on a USD bill, an extra creditcard set to make a "Cash Card" gimmick on your own currency and easy to follow online instructions.

Grazy visual and VERY easy to do!
You will keep this in your wallet everywhere you go.

Highly Recommended!